With Evan, the weather was warmer and I was able to get outside at Longwood Gardens to get some maternity pictures taken by my talented friend (documented here on her blog): http://www.blog.modmemento.com/2010/05/waiting-for-baby.html
I also took pictures every single week to document my growing belly. With this baby, I think I've taken all of 3 photos of my growing belly. Here is a picture we took last week with one month to go until the new baby's arrival:
While we opted to keep the gender a surprise, I am fairly convinced this baby is a boy. My pregnancy has been the same - carrying the same, feeling the same, craving the same things, etc. I'm even getting to the point now (as happened last time) where strangers are coming up to me and telling me it's a boy. Many of the "old wives tales" about boys are holding true as well. I'm so convinced it's a boy, in fact, that I have only bought a boy outfit to come home from the hopsital. If it ends up being a girl, my mom will have to do some shopping for us!
Evan doesn't really understand what's happening. If you ask him what is in mommy's belly, he will say "baby". And if you ask him who will be sleeping in his old room, he says "baby". But he doesn't have any idea how his world is going to change. He is not a fan of sharing his mom or dad with others so we shall see how this goes!
However, whenever we ask Evan if he's going to have a brother or sister, he says "sister". And if we ask him if the baby is a girl or boy, he says "girl". Brian is also convinced the baby is a girl, only because I am so sure it's a boy. While I'm so happy we have decided to wait to find out the gender, I'm also anxious to see who we will be adding to our family. If it's a boy, I will be thrilled to give Evan a brother and for Brian to add to his clan (even if it will mean I'm outnumbered). If it is a girl, I'll be thrilled to get to buy some girly clothes and to experience all things "girl". Only time will tell . . . here's to hoping our St. Patty's Day baby arrives on time!