Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! I've waited a long time to celebrate this day . . . 359 days exactly. Evan was born 6 days after Mother's Day last year. But, the picture above pretty much sums up how my son feels about me right now. (If it's not apparent, Evan is just starting to cry right when Brian clicked the picture.) Whenever he's in my arms, he cries and screams and reaches for his father. Happy Mother's Day to me! I realize he has no idea what he's doing, but I was in tears come dinner time. Brian went to the salad bar and Evan started crying and screaming hysterically when he left. He wants nothing to do with me and calmed down when his dad came back. I really hope he outgrows this soon because I'm not sure how much more I can take!

This morning, Brian surprised me in bed with homemade waffles and ice cream. Yum! And besides going out to dinner, we went to a small, local zoo. Many of the animals were in hiding so we didn't get to see as much as we'd hoped for. But Evan got to see some goats close up and called them "doggie" (which is pretty much any animal with 4 legs). Later on after dinner, we went to the dog park and he loved that more. But a stone wall near the zoo made for a great backdrop for some photos.

Father and son hanging out by the river:

Evan very much looks like the Weiss side of the family. Unfortunately, he got this "trait" from his mother - the tongue hanging out when he's relaxed or concentrating. It's something my own mother has nagged me about, my coworkers have laughed at me about, and Brian makes fun of on a daily basis. Poor kiddo :(

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