Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween Festivities

Halloween began for us on the weekend before.  With the hurricane coming, we didn't know what sort of Halloween celebrations would still be taking place.  So on Saturday night, we headed to the YMCA for their annual Halloween party.  We found out about it from our neighbors at 5:00 and we were there by 6:30, with our little cow in hand:
 Enjoying himself after warming up and our little pumpkin getting dunked:
Eric started off the day getting diagnosed with pink eye.  Since he was going to sit in his stroller, we weren't worried about him giving his pink eye to other kids.  But by the time we left, we noticed he was feeling warm.  Little did we know we were in store for a 6-day long fever virus:
 Daddy with his unhappy cow (whos headpiece kept covering up his eyes) and his little pumpkin:
Mommy and her pumpkin :)
On Sunday, with a little Advil in  Eric's system, we headed to the mall for some Halloween trick-or-treating.  We thought it might be a little empty there as the storm was fast approaching.  Boy were we wrong - I think every parent was trying to get out the last of their children's energy before being cooped inside for a few days.  Brian was his usual goofy self and dressed as a cowboy to go along with his little cow.  They got lots of cute smiles throughout the mall:
Not your everday occurrence - a cow and cowboy heading up the escalator:
At this point, even with a fever, Eric wasn't acting too sick (as evidenced by this photo):
Fast forward 3 days.  Hurrican Sandy hit hard.  We were lucky to get through it unscathed, keeping power throughout.  Many were not so lucky.  Eric was really sick the whole time.  The pediatrician's office was closed Monday and Tuesday.  Eric was 102+ fever for 5 days and we got him in there first thing on Wednesday morning.  They sent him to the ER for tests because the labs were without power still.  Turns out it was just a virus but it took 7 long days to run its course.  He had little appetite, little energy and just wanted to be held all of the time.  It was a long few days stuck in the house.  Thankfully Nana was able to come down to help out for the 2nd half of the week, which meant she was able to stay home with Eric while Brian and I took Evan out trick-or-treating.  Here he is just as we were able to go out:
 Making sure his bag is ready for all of his candy:
 The neighborhood kids ready for some trick-or-treating. 
Afterwards inside with Nana.  Eric didn't even get to dresss up for his first Halloween :( 
All in all, it was a rough few days.  But it could have been so much worse.  And we were able to enjoy Halloween, which is a lot more than many others can say. 

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