Eric's three year old stats are long overdue. We had his visit back in March! Eric weighed in at a whopping 27 lbs (11th percentile) and measured exactly 3 feet tall (19th percentile). The doctor was hoping he would have gained more than 2 lbs since his visit at age 2, so she asked that we make sure he eats more and gets some more weight on him. Now we are reverting and feeding him whatever he will eat . . . which means he's eating less and less variety of food. I feel like we are in a no-win situation but we need to get some weight on him.
Eric is your typical 3 year old. He loves all things Cars, trucks, trains and planes. Lightening McQueen is his go-to toy and thankfully we have several of them. He loves riding his ride-on gator around the yard and now can take his scooter all the way around the neighborhood. He loves music and will sing at the top of his lungs . . . making up the words with the best of them. I think it's safe to say Eric will not be the next American Idol but he has fun belting out songs. Just the other day, we were at the zoo and he was singing a Kanye West / Rihanna songs at the top of his lungs. He definitely takes after his dad with his love of music.
Eric is starting this "threenage" year. His temper can get the best of him at times and he's testing us. He and his brother are very physical together and he's usually on the losing end of their battles. He makes sure to tell us when he's not happy. He constantly says "You are CHEATING" when he doesn't like what we're doing. I'm not sure what he thinks "cheating" means but he's not using it in the right context, which is adorable!
At school, Eric is doing great. He knows all of his letters by sight and in sign language with his own hands. Whereas I had to work with Evan for him to learn the letters of the alphabet at this age, Eric has known them for a few months now. It's interesting to see how they differ because Evan had a 70 page book memorized at this age and Eric does not have that skill. They continue to be so totally different . . . and Eric is still a mini-me of his father in almost all ways.
We love our little man and can't wait to see what the next year brings!
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