Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The first . . .and probably not the last

Broken bone :(

On Saturday, December 3rd we were spending the day in NJ before heading to a family Christmas party. I decided to visit my good friend Rachel and her daughter Lucy, who his only 6 days younger than Evan. We headed to the neighborhood school to play on the playground. It was a "big kids" playground so I couldn't let Evan climb up alone because there were areas where he could have just stepped off the platform and fallen down. So I climbed up with him to the slide. My options were to (1) send Evan alone down the slide, which he was surely to fly off of at the end or (2) Sit with him in my lap. Of course I chose the safe option (#2), which ended up being not quite so safe. Going down the curved slide, Evan's sneaker got stuck on the plastic of the slide and his leg got yanked behind him. He cried for about 10 minutes and then wouldn't leave my lap to continue to play. Normally when he gets hurt, he cries for 30 seconds is off and running again. When I tried to put him down, he would just say "no" and stand like a flamingo on one leg. We quickly left the playground and headed home to Brian, who cautioned me on over-reacting and said we should continue with our day and re-evaluate in the morning.

We drove back home that night after the Christmas party and Evan woke up in no better shape (though he did, shockingly, sleep through the night). We headed to the ER at Dupont Childrens' Hospital on Sunday morning, where Evan was taken great care of. I'm not sure we'll ever take Evan to Chester County hospital, despite it being 1 mile away from home. Dupont had a tv in every ER with a choice of movies to watch. When you are there for 3.5 hours, this was crucial. And they are so great dealing with kids - it's just what they do.

After seeing an ER doctor, they figured he probably had a "toddler's fracture", which doesn't immediately show up on Xray. They gave us a walking boot for Evan and said he needed to see an orthopedist the following day for a definitive diagnosis. Here is in his ER room right after the boot got put on:

The next day, we headed to the orthopedist at Dupont. He took one look and feel of Evan's leg and confirmed the toddler fracture (officially known as a torus fracture of his tibia) and could even pinpoint where the fracture was along his shin. Our little man is now in a walking boot for 3 weeks before he goes back to get re-evaluated. We sent him off to daycare on Tuesday unable to put any weight on his foot and, by the end of Wednesday, he is now starting to walk on it. It's an awkward and cautious walk, but what progress in 4 days! Here he is tonight walking around on it. And no, Evan does not have a second job as a painter. This is what happens when he paints at daycare:As of today, it's not really impeding his ability to shoot baskets either:And this is a random picture to throw in, but our perfect sleeper has not been affected one bit by these events. In this picture, he is sleeping with the boot on and is sleeping better than ever. I had to capture this photo the other night while he was dead asleep because he likes to put his "lovey" over his head when he sleeps. It's just one of those cute things I wanted to document.Hopefully our little trooper will continue to make a speedy recovery!

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