The following weekend, we were off to the local helicopter museum. Unfortunately, Evan was mostly afraid of getting inside any helicopters and would cry if we tried to put him in and if Brian got in one without him. He's a bit cautious when it comes to new situations, but he did let us put him in this one helicopter:
And here he would only stand outside and stare in:
And then this past weekend, we had a group of close friends over for a "breakfast for dinner" themed dinner party, complete with pajamas and all. It was 9 adults and 6 kids . . . and we all managed to sit around the dinner table and eat at the same time (a minor miracle). Then Brian read some bedtime stories to Evan and 2 of the ladies. He's a lucky man!
Brian has also been taking Evan to the YMCA pool each week, which he loves. And this weekend will likely be our last one as a family of three. We don't have anything planned yet but hopefully we can make it a fun one for Evan.
As far as the baby goes, he/she did something very unusual and he/she turned him/herself breech . . . after being head-down at the previous 2 weeks' appointments. Only 3% of pregnancies are breech and hardly ever does a baby turn after it is full term. So it appears we have a trouble-maker on our hands. On Tuesday, my doctor will attemp to perform an external cephalic version to turn the baby around. If she is successful, she will induce me immediately so that I can give birth the old-fashioned way. If she is not successful, the baby will be delivered via c-section. So it looks like Tuesday is the day . . . as long as there are not too many women already in labor at the hospital (in which case I'll be delayed). And if she is successful in the version and the inducing takes awhile, there is a chance the delivery could happen on Wednesday. Since Brian was born 9/19 and Evan was born 5/15, it only seems fitting that this baby may be born on 3/13. Hopefully 13 will be our lucky number next week!
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