Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

The Easter bunny paid a visit to my parents' house this weekend where we were spending the Easter holiday.  First is Evan's basket, including some new cars, a book, a puzzle, a few animals and some chocolate:
Eric's basket was much of the same:
 Eric searching for eggs (and holding onto a bottle of bubbles):
These cows are similar to something Evan has at school.  Every single day when I pick him up, he's playing with these cows and kissing them.
A few more cars from the Cars 2 movie: 
After we got the boys dressed, we headed outside for some pictures while there was still some sunshine.  Eric was his usual cooperative self for photos:
Happy little man:
Loving the eggs:
The two boys together (a minor miracle to get a photo of the two of them):
Evan LOVED the chocolate (which he was eating here):
Enjoying the warm weather outside:
Evan with his basket:
Attempting a family photo:
We came back to Pennsylvania in the middle of the afternoon and ordered Chinese take-out for dinner . . . a very traditional Easter meal.  We are all ready for some more permanent warmer weather - we got a little taste of it on Saturday and hopefully there is more to come.

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